I am looking for a UI tool that scans files (filtered by file name patterns, maybe also regular expressions) in a given directory (tree) for occurrences of a given regular expression and displays results of capturing groups for each match in a table.

Basically, I'm looking for a mixture of grepWin and the regex result tables from online Regex testers like RegExr.

2 Answers 2


Notepad++ is capable of that:

Notepad++ Search

  • scans files filtered by file name patterns: 'Yes, see the "Filters" box in above screenshot.
  • for occurrences of a given regular expression: Yes, see lower left radio box
  • displays results of capturing groups for each match in a table: No grouping unfortunately, but results are listed and you can double-click on each to open the corresponding file and directly jump to the hit.
  • gratis: yes.
  • Windows: yes.

Have you tried Agent Ransack?

  • It allows you to scan file name and contents.
  • It allows regex.
  • It displays the results in a table. enter image description here

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