I would like to associate a PDX search catalog file with a PDF document.
Apparently there is currently no library that supports this out of the box, so what I have to do is manipulate the /Search
entry in the document directly.
I know next to nothing about the PDF standard, so a library I can access from .NET code that would encapsulate most of the details for me would be great.
3 Answers
With PDFNet you can easily insert/edit a PDF like you are looking for.
https://www.pdftron.com/documentation/samples/cs/SDFTest?platforms=windows https://www.pdftron.com/pdf-sdk/windows-library
There is also Universal Windows Platform, and Xamarin, versions available if you are looking to do this on mobile.
https://www.pdftron.com/documentation/uwp/guides https://www.pdftron.com/documentation/xamarin/guides
XFINIUM.PDF library includes a COS API that lets you create custom structures in PDF files.
The code below shows how to build the Search structure in your sample:
// Create a new document.
PdfFixedDocument document = new PdfFixedDocument();
// Or load an existing document.
// PdfFixedDocument document = new PdfFixedDocument("sample.pdf");
// Fill the document information.
document.DocumentInformation = new PdfDocumentInformation();
document.DocumentInformation.Author = "XFINIUM Software";
document.DocumentInformation.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
document.DocumentInformation.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now;
document.DocumentInformation.Creator = "XFINIUM.PDF COS objects sample";
document.DocumentInformation.Producer = "XFINIUM.PDF Toolkit";
document.DocumentInformation.Title = "XFINIUM.PDF COS objects sample";
document.DocumentInformation.Subject = "XFINIUM.PDF sample code";
document.DocumentInformation.Keywords = "xfinium.pdf, pdf, sample";
// Create the /Search structure
PdfCosDictionaryContainer cosSearchDictionary = new PdfCosDictionaryContainer();
document.CosDictionary["/Search"] = cosSearchDictionary;
PdfCosArray indexesArray = new PdfCosArray();
cosSearchDictionary["/Indexes"] = indexesArray;
PdfCosDictionaryContainer indexDefinitionDictionary = new PdfCosDictionaryContainer();
indexDefinitionDictionary["/Name"] = new PdfCosName("/PDX");
PdfCosDictionaryContainer indexFileDictionary = new PdfCosDictionaryContainer();
indexDefinitionDictionary["/Index"] = indexFileDictionary;
indexFileDictionary["/Type"] = new PdfCosName("/Filespec");
indexFileDictionary["/F"] = new PdfCosString("c:\\Folder1\\Folder2\\index.pdx");
PdfPage page = document.Pages.Add();
The /Search structure can be seen in the image below:
Disclaimer: I work for the company that develops the library.
Sorry, didn't see the replies earlier. I was able to solve this using PdfSharp.
Code posted here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51127552/how-to-associate-search-catalog-file-pdx-with-pdf-document/51177573#51177573