Is there a GUI diff tool for Desktop Windows that can compare folders, and show each different file with the differences in the same screen, below each other?

Tools like Meld etc. give just a list first, with markers which files are different at all. Then I can open the files one by one to check the actual differences:

Meld Meld
Screenshots of Meld (taken from HowToForge.com)

What I'd like is something like the Bitbucket diff as desktop application, a second file would be shown right below the first one:

Bitbucket (taken from Atlassian Wiki)

2 Answers 2


Not sure this is what you are after, but WinMerge is very good at comparing folders and files.

  • 1
    But it can't do what the question asked...
    – eowprwert
    Commented May 23, 2018 at 1:28

I'm not familiar with the Bitbucket diff. However, I've used Beyond Compare (http://www.scootersoftware.com/features.php) for years for comparing/merging files and folders in my professional life.

  • 1
    This too - apparently it can't fulfil the requirement, or I'm too stupid to find it.
    – eowprwert
    Commented May 23, 2018 at 1:28

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