I'm looking for an IT-Support help-desk/servicedesk ticket-system. I came across Zendesk. It's nice, but I'm more interested in open-source solution.
Can somebody recommend me some service-desk/help-desk software for 1st/2nd-Level-IT-Support?
Process would likely be like this:
1) Email from User XY comes in with an incident to the HelpDesk at [email protected]
2) User XY gets a standard automated response that the incident has been logged and the ticket has the number 123.
3) Now at the HelpDesk the support employee will categorize the incident and, if necessary, priorities it because there's other tickets awaiting.
4) Ticket from User XY is being handled: Email back and forth between employee and User XY until incident is resolved, ticket closed OR if no solution is possible, escalated to 2nd-Level Support.
Such a ticket system is something I'm looking for. It can either be web-based, i.e. installed on a webserver, or it can be OS based, installed on a Windows OS. Preferably the later. Nice to have would be file/document attachments to said issue.
Edit: I checked Free incident management tool for more than 50 users , and some of these software pretty much do what I need them to do, however I cannot see if these software allow for automatic ticket creation if somebody mails [email protected]