I know that every picture should contain some sort of information = EXIF, what interests me is datetime, as I have now 20 000 pictures on disk unsorted, recovered from lost partition.
Example of healthy photo internal information:
I wish there was a way to sort those photos by timestamp, is there? If so, what software could I use?
The timestamp should be extracted from the EXIF information.
New file naming should look similar to the following example:
So far I use integrated Windows 10 tools to image view, edit and so on. No third-party application.
I am looking for an application of such capability.
The lost partition was of type NTFS, MBR, so no backup table.
The drive is a SATA HDD.
I have already recovered all the data, but the question is different: How to name the files by EXIF information.
Despite I work on both Windows and Linux, I wish this work to be done on Windows, filesystem on the drive was NTFS.
, which means it must run on Windows. Further, it comes without GUI (pure scripting/CLI solution). That fine with you?