I’m running a laptop with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and would like to record videos using the built-in camera.


  1. Automatic creation of a new video file when the size of a previous one exceeds 2 GB.

  2. Application needs to be stable, as it is a requirement to operate for a few weeks.

Nice additions:

  1. Livestreaming or just saving videos to some online storage would be a nice feature.

It is important that the solution does not require a lot of setting up and tweaking, as I have a little turn-around time to achieve this.

  • 1
    VLC and a little bit of bash scripting is doing a great job on that.
    – pLumo
    Commented Jul 11, 2017 at 9:25

1 Answer 1


VLC and scripting will achieve what you are after.

I suggest using motion to "operate Linux spycams as motion detectors", which can be defined here:

Motion is a program that monitors the video signal from one or more cameras and is able to detect if a significant part of the picture has changed. Or in other words, it can detect motion.

  • I've used motion with a cheap tablet. Worked properly for the question's requirements. Uploading lots of pics and video became problematic over longer time, but that may depend on the contract with the ISP.
    – knb
    Commented Sep 10, 2017 at 10:32

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