I have just taken over responsibility for a small company who's network is a mess. No IT policy, no security etc etc.

One of my first requirements is to crack down on internet usage - So I'm looking for a good, preferably free system to enable me to track internet usage, block sites etc on a user-by-user basis (they are using Active Directory) with aprox 50 users.

I have spare hardware, so a dedicated server is available.

2 Answers 2


I think you are searching for a web proxy with Access control list

Squid + active directory authentication + sarg

Depending how much you are familiar to unix/Linux you can setup your own system from your favourite distro or install a prebuilt firewall distro


WinGate is a Windows-based proxy that may be helpful in this case. It has a free license which handles up to 10 concurrently-connected clients. It will log requests, and allow you to block them per user.

If you want AD-integrated auth you would need to pay for a license however.

Disclaimer: I work for Qbik who are the author of WinGate

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