My hosting company doesn't want to support Mailman any longer - they claim mailing lists are passé and not maintained. (BS - Mailman was last updated as of this post in August 2016.)
They suggested Mail Chimp, but that's not the same at all - I want ALL members of my list to be able to send email to one address and have it sent to all members. AFAIK, that's not possible with Mail Chimp, Constant Contact, etc. - all they allow is for the list owner to send out emails. Some members want a daily digest, others want the emails as they get sent. An archive of past emails is also desired. You know; everything that a mailing list like Mailman is designed to do.
They also suggested that I could get a Virtual Private Server if I want to run Mailman - yeah, like I can afford that! Or have time to maintain it - that's what I pay them for.
Their last suggestion was to set up an address that forwards to everyone. But that still doesn't give me digest, archives, etc.
So, what are my real options, besides hitting my hosting support team up side the head and get them to do their job? Yahoo and Google groups exist of course, but am looking for something that can reside in my hosting and use an email address from my URL. Is there anything that can be run as part of my shared hosting?