I've read

C++ unit testing framework

which is closed as too broad; and answer-wise, while it lists several testing frameworks it doesn't really compare them or discuss their features.

Now, I'm interested in adding a framework for unit tests for an existing project of mine. It actually already includes a binary which performs a certain kind of unit tests, or perhaps I should something between unit and subsystem tests - but its' not a unit testing framework in itself and not intended to test all of the code. Which is why I want a proper framework. It may (or may not) also allow me to drop some of the custom code I have right now.

A significant requirement that I have is that the framework be Modern-C++-oriented. That is, that the syntax for using it will be C++11'ish (could be C++14 or C++17, but the latter option might give me some trouble due to CUDA compatibility issues), rather than just supporting the testing of C++11 code as an afterthought. So when I read, for example, that Google Test only needs a C++98 compiler, I get worried.

Other key features (partly adapted from this article):

  • Minimal amount of work needed to add new tests.
  • Easy to modify and port - but not for the reasons mentioned here! That is, it can and should depend on advanced C++ language and standard library features, as long as they're standard; and I don't mind dependencies on something like, say, CMake, or some scripting language etc, as long as it's tolerant to the difference between OSes and OS distributions.
  • Supports setup/teardown steps (fixtures).
  • Flexible and robust w.r.t. exceptions, crashes and asserts.
  • Nice pretty-printed/ASCII-graphics-enhanced console output. I don't care for any specific such features, e.g. colors vs monochrome or whether or not progress and succeses/failures are animated, but it should be pleasingly readable.
  • Integration with IDEs is a big plus

and of course:

  • Free and Open Source license
  • Gratis
  • Support for different output formats, for use by various post-mortem tools

I would really like a comparison of strengths and weaknesses w.r.t. the features I listed as well as a comparison on a single framework.

  • What's wrong with github.com/google/googletest ?
    – Mawg
    Commented Oct 26, 2017 at 13:36
  • 1
    @Mawg: Old, not utilizing C++11/14 features.
    – einpoklum
    Commented Oct 26, 2017 at 13:37
  • Thanks for the explanation. That will help others sot help you (+1)
    – Mawg
    Commented Oct 26, 2017 at 13:38

5 Answers 5


If you have Boost as a dependency, then Boost.Test is a no-brainer choice. Consistent, feature-complete, as minimalistic or as rich as you need it to be.

  • Can you explain how it is oriented towards modern C++? I was under the impression it's a bit old.
    – einpoklum
    Commented Jan 24, 2018 at 22:31
  • @einpoklum - correct word is "mature", not "old". Why don't you point which aspect it is outdated in and we discuss?
    – bobah
    Commented Jan 26, 2018 at 12:21
  • I meant "old" as in "implemented in pre-2011 C++".
    – einpoklum
    Commented Jan 26, 2018 at 12:23
  • been testing C++1xyz code since time it was called C++0x (late 2010), never felt Boost.Test blocking me, you do want to build some project-specific test rigs library around it but that's about it - it does not force you to degrade the syntax ( or use boost::mpl and boost::fusion unnecessarily :-) )
    – bobah
    Commented Jan 26, 2018 at 12:28


A C++14-and-up framework!


suite<> basic("a basic suite", [](auto &_) {
  _.test("a test", []() {
    expect(true, equal_to(true));

  for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    _.test("test number " + std::to_string(i), [i]() {
      expect(i % 2, less(2));

  subsuite<>(_, "a subsuite", [](auto &_) {
    _.test("a sub-test", []() {
      expect(true, equal_to(true));

Note: I've not tried it myself.



  • Stated design goals: Modern and C++11-native, single-file, header-only, small size
  • Framework code: https://github.com/martinmoene/lest
  • Missing: Suites of tests, parameterised tests, templated tests, test data generators, built-in hamcrest matchers.


const lest::test specification[] =
    CASE( "Empty string has length zero (succeed)" )
        EXPECT( 0 == string(  ).length() );
        EXPECT( 0 == string("").length() );    

Note: I haven't tried it myself.



"A human-friendly unit testing for C++11"

Apparently, this framework "bends over backwards" to make your test's source code read like a natural-language description of a test. For example, here is a test of a guitar, which makes sure it sounds distorted in distortion mode:

describe("in distorted mode", [&]() {
    before_each([&]() { fuzzbox->flip(); });

    it("sounds distorted", [&]() {
        AssertThat(guitar->sound(), Equals(sounds::distorted));

Note: I haven't tried this one myself.



Presented in CppCon 2017 by Victor Kirilov

This actively-developed framework is not actually modern-C++-targeted, but it's aiming to be with its next major release (2.0; it's at 1.2 right now).

  • Motto: "The fastest feature-rich C++98/C++11 single-header testing framework for unit tests and TDD"
  • Framework code: https://github.com/onqtam/doctest
  • Ambitious roadmap, including IDE integrations
  • Purportedly very fast - with [benchmarks] against the Catch framework (but I have no idea if Catch is faster than Gtest, CppUnit etc.)

Note: I haven't tried this myself.

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