I've recently built a news site with WordPress (in the niche of watches - timeandtidewatches.com). I'm about to integrate ads on the site. I'd like an ad manager that can handle using a skyscraper in desktop view, dropping to a banner in tablet view, and a wide block for mobile. Currently the site is fully responsive (we don't serve a mobile specific site).
Looking around at the normally recommended plugins they don't seem to do this.
I'd like:
- Ability to add a new advertisement, and attach different size images to this advertisement that will show on different screen widths.
- Ability to restrict ads to certain categories or pages.
- Ability to have a fall-back ad for when no other ad will show.
- Tracking and stats.
- I'd rather it loaded the ads only when necessary, rather than loading them all on using something like display:none to hide the inactive ones.
It can be local or run elsewhere, in fact having an install elsewhere that could serve multiple sites would be a bonus long term, but not necessary now.