I have a situation where I have documents from two diagramming tools (yEd and Dia) and would like to convert between the two. Considering that both tools output XML files (.graphML for yEd and .dia for Dia), I would like to know if anybody's created a tool (even a number of plain XSLT files) to convert between the two (preferably not involving any intermediary files such as GraphViz dot files). Does such a thing exist or would I have to read up on GraphML, Dia XML, PERL and autodia?
I'll mainly be using this application while I'm at work, which entails using OS X. If you're going to suggest applications for a particular OS, that's first choice. However, the following criteria are not ruled out:
- The OS that this application runs on is not important (preferably system agnostic or a *NIX/*BSD system, as it deals with XML).
- A command-line application is preferable, as it's performing a transformation and doesn't need the overhead of a GUI (although a GUI application is acceptable).
- A web-based application is also acceptable.
- Using an XML DOM parser such as SAX is acceptable; exactly how the conversion is done is not important.