This question is closely related to Markdown editor for Windows with inbuilt live viewer inside the editor itself, but has some additional requirements:
- Must run on Windows (cross-platform welcome)
- should be free (as in "free beer"), preferably open-source (free as in "free speech"), permit use in commercial context (internal office use)
- Must support at least Markdown Extra or Github-flavored Markdown
- strongly preferred: supporting Markdown Extra including its "special attributes" (like
## Header { .class }
– most editors have issues with the{ .class }
part here) - support for tabs (I don't want separate windows for each document)
- live preview (2-pane preferred)
- native (no web-app)
- preferably has a portable version available, but at least must be easy to install without much fuss/dependencies/bloat (I don't own the machine this must run on) and work behind a firewall (even if the computer has no internet access)
- preferably light-weight (I don't want to download 50MB+ just for an editor and have it occupy 100MB+ of disk space when installed)
- nice-to-have: Export functionality (PDF/ODF/HTML/Word)
From the linked question, no answer fits all these requirements (well, the question didn't have these requirements):
- MarkdownPad comes pretty close, but lacks support for any Markdown "dialect" in its free version (Markdown Extra / Github-flavored require buying the pro version for ~USD 15)
- Haroopad comes close but lacks tabs, so one must use separate windows for each document
- ReText would almost make me happy, but is not easy to install (dependencies etc.)
- SublimeText has far too many dependencies
- Atom has issues previewing Markdown-Extra (tried that on Linux at home; but AFAIK all the above have this issue with Markdown-Extra's attributes like
## Header { .class }
, so I might give this one another try). Also, in order to install the required packages, it requires internet access. I wasn't able to get that working, even providing proxy settings (portable version). - most other answers are web-apps (no option here) or do not match multiple criteria given above