I'm looking for FTP/sFTP server for our web content maintainers to upload web content. I need ftps/sFTP support plus web interface for a user to grant rights to co-workers to update some folders under different directory paths. I searched for some time but in vain. we're running centos 7.

Would anyone please help?

Thanks. /ST Wong

  • With SFTP you mean SCP (SSH compatible), or FTPS (Secure FTP)? Not using any myself, but ProFTPD has several GUIs for administration. Also see Wikipedia's comparison list for alternatives.
    – Izzy
    Jan 8, 2016 at 7:24
  • Thanks,we target for scp. we hope there is GUI for different web admin to dedicate access to web content folders for their team mates. Jan 12, 2016 at 0:55
  • I am not aware of such servers that integrate all the features you requested in a single product for CentOS (or for Linux in general for what matters). There would be several options for Windows though.
    – FjodrSo
    May 13, 2016 at 23:52


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