Looking for a (free) email client that will allow me to quickly send HTML emails without modifying the code at all. The company I work for uses a marketing service that allows me to do this, but the process of creating/modifying an email through their site is pretty slow, and it would be really nice to have a quick way to send a test email without having to go through this process.
I have a few clients already that I use to view test emails before sending them out: Outlook Express, Outlook 2007, and Thunderbird. All of these modify my code automatically before sending it (to varying degrees, Thunderbird seems to work best but still significantly alters the code). My research has turned up different ways to send HTML emails with these clients but every method I have tried changes the code.
Ideally, I would like to be able to open a new message, paste the code, and send the test email in as few clicks as possible, without having to do any extra steps to make sure the code isn't modified. Being able to view/modify the code in the client would be nice but not necessary.