As of 2015 and Python 3.4's release, there's now a reasonably complete user-interactive shell available at:
The demonstration video does not show pipes being used, but they ARE supported when in the default shell mode.
Xonsh ('conch') tries very hard to emulate bash, so things you've already gained muscle memory for, like
env | uniq | sort -r | grep PATH
my-web-server 2>&1 | my-log-sorter
will still work fine. You may need cygwin or msys around to have access to the GNU coreutils like grep and uniq. Windows has some of it's own builtins under unixlike names that can blow stuff up, so be careful with the order of your PATH variable.
The xonsh tutorial is quite lengthy and seems to cover a significant amount of the functionality someone would generally expect at an ash or bash prompt:
- Compiles, Evaluates, & Executes!
- Command History and Tab Completion
- Help & Superhelp with ? & ??
- Aliases & Customized Prompts
- Executes Commands and/or *.xsh Scripts which can also be imported
- Environment Variables including Lookup with ${}
- Input/Output Redirection and Combining
- Background Jobs & Job Control
- Nesting Subprocesses, Pipes, and Coprocesses
- Subprocess-mode when a command exists, Python-mode otherwise
- Captured Subprocess with $(), Uncaptured Subprocess with $[], Python Evaluation with @()
- Filename Globbing with * or Regular Expression Filename Globbing with Backticks