I need to record sounds emanating from mechanical equipment. These sounds occur randomly every few hours and only last approximately 1-3 seconds.
To accomplish this task, I need an audio recorder that is constantly running, but that only records when audio is present. There are many audio recorders that are "voice activated", but I have not found any that will work because by the time they activate, the sounds I am trying to capture have concluded.
To accomplish this, I need an app that continually records, but only keeps audio from "sound activation minus x seconds". It is no problem if 'x' is fixed.
- Android KitKat compatible
- Can run for at least 4 hours unattended
Preferences (none required)
- Gratis (free of charge)
- Low battery use during operation
- Can run for at least 12 hours (or longer) unattended
Update: Congrats! I have awarded the bounty to @4mohit for his/her answer. I'm still performing testing to see if it works reliably for my task. Thanks also to Steve Barnes for his creative answer.
Since I'm still in the testing phase, I am open to more answers. I will post more updates as testing progresses.