I've been looking for a disk management suite for a while and come across mentions of GParted, but that's for Linux. I"d like to know if there are any comparable GUI-based products on Windows.
In Windows, it seems that you have to use the command line and diskpart because the disk management tool in Computer Management locks you out of certain functions, and then obviously lacks certain advanced functions. 95% of the time, disk management is enough of a tool, but if I'm playing around with Linux/Raspbian images on SD cards, it comes up lacking due to a few idiosyncrasies of the tool.
Are there any tools out there that might be comparable to GParted, but for Windows?
Must-have features:
- Intuitive GUI
- Must be a program (i.e. not a liveCD)
- Developer must have a good reputation (I'm trusting them with my disks/media)
- CRUD partitions
- CRUD volumes
- Must work on fixed and removable media
- Can delete all partitions on a drive/flash media (i.e. the 0 partition of an SD card)
- Can create a new partition in unallocated space (i.e. in an SD card) (Windows has a hard time doing this with some SD cards or an SD card that has been imaged for Linux/Raspbian)
Nice-to-have features:
- Free
- Open Source software
- Resizing partitions
- Read/write to EXT-based file systems in Windows
- Data recovery
- Secure wipe
- MBR and GPT support
- Disk imaging (read/write)
I have come across Easus but that just seems shady for some reason, and I can't shake my feeling that it's shady.
The reason I'm looking for software like this is that I'm still trying to get the hang of Linux, and much more comfortable in Windows and want to get stuff done, not fight everything all the time and burn out my energy trying to figure out all of this in Linux to fix the problems I'm having in Linux.
in it.Can create a new partition in unallocated space (i.e. in an SD card) (Windows has a hard time doing this with some SD cards or an SD card that has been imaged for Linux/Raspbian)
that's because Linux uses hybrid ISO which messes up the partition table in the MBR