youtube-dl is open-source with no potentially unwanted software, available in several repositories, and sports all of your requested features – minus the GUI.
$ youtube-dl -F e4MSN6IImpI
[youtube] Setting language
[youtube] e4MSN6IImpI: Downloading webpage
[youtube] e4MSN6IImpI: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] e4MSN6IImpI: Extracting video information
[info] Available formats for e4MSN6IImpI:
format code extension resolution note
140 m4a audio only DASH audio , audio@128k (worst)
160 mp4 192p DASH video
133 mp4 240p DASH video
17 3gp 176x144
36 3gp 320x240
5 flv 400x240
43 webm 640x360
18 mp4 640x360 (best)
$ youtube-dl PLaNzoFtkQ7rbt5ac9qdi76iNKuqZWQkB3
[youtube:playlist] PLaNzoFtkQ7rbt5ac9qdi76iNKuqZWQkB3: Downloading webpage
[download] Downloading playlist: Flexagons
[youtube:playlist] playlist Flexagons: Collected 4 video ids (downloading 4 of them)
[download] Downloading video #1 of 4
[youtube] Setting language
[youtube] VIVIegSt81k: Downloading webpage
[youtube] VIVIegSt81k: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] VIVIegSt81k: Extracting video information
[download] Resuming download at byte 2096128
[download] Destination: Hexaflexagons-VIVIegSt81k.mp4
[download] 55.0% of 19.97MiB at 1.73MiB/s ETA 00:05^C
^CERROR: Interrupted by user
$ youtube-dl PLaNzoFtkQ7rbt5ac9qdi76iNKuqZWQkB3
[youtube:playlist] PLaNzoFtkQ7rbt5ac9qdi76iNKuqZWQkB3: Downloading webpage
[download] Downloading playlist: Flexagons
[youtube:playlist] playlist Flexagons: Collected 4 video ids (downloading 4 of them)
[download] Downloading video #1 of 4
[youtube] Setting language
[youtube] VIVIegSt81k: Downloading webpage
[youtube] VIVIegSt81k: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] VIVIegSt81k: Extracting video information
[download] Resuming download at byte 11521720
[download] Destination: Hexaflexagons-VIVIegSt81k.mp4
[download] 100% of 19.97MiB in 00:05
[download] Downloading video #2 of 4
It has a useful manpage and offers support for several other services, too.
Thoroughly tested by me because the YouTube web interface stopped working about six months ago, so I have to watch all videos like this.