I am looking for a way to build web-based dashboard graphs that allow for details.
I've explored the usual jQuery libs like Flot, jqplot, morris, and so forth, and while they are all pretty, they simply do not offer the resolution I need for certain graphs.
For example, we want to monitor file movements of our system for a day to show when we were laggard. Every 5 seconds there is a data point. Do the math and over an 8-hour workday, they're a lot of pixels to draw.
Most libs will group or cut, which may ruin the hit points we care about most. In a 500 px wide div, with 5000+ points, you can't fit 10 points on 1 pixel.
What's the solution?
For now, we're using Excel, as it's the only tool we've found capable of graphing in this manner accounting for the high points and grouping more average points. We care more about outliers. But this is also a manual process and sent by email after the fact. We have a dashboard framework in place and data available in JSON format, we just need a viewer for it. Theses need to be dynamic as possible.
Any suggestions?