Whenever there are too many tabs opened, Chrome will show a "Page(s) Unresponsive" message:
Optional informative rant:
Now, I know that the tabs'll eventually respond and thus I do not wish to kill the pages. I would rather let them load while I'm working on other things on the other tabs.
However, the popup would reappear after every couple of seconds.
This is severely annoying not just because it's a popup, —I was about to write a 5-page long rant on why popups are bad, but basically it boils down to creating unnecessary context switches and stealing keyboard presses— but it's a never-ending series of center-screen popups, one after another.
Is there a Chrome addon to do any of these? :
'Wait' and do not ask again.
'Wait' and do not ask for the next x minutes/hours.
Don't even ask, just 'Wait'.
Stop the message from appearing on the center-screen as a popup. (Make it behave more like simple notifications.)