I am currently looking for a social media management tool where I have at least the following functionalities. I have already looked around for a few days, but there are so many with so many different functionalities and purposes. I am just overwhelmed.

Social Media

  1. Facebook (Business page)
  2. Twitter
  3. GooglePlus (Business page)


  • Schedule posts for at least one week ahead

  • Being able to implement pictures, links, videos etc

  • Facebook promotion functions

  • Analytics of past posts

If you know a program having these functions, it would be nice if you would let me know. Since I am just starting, I would prefer a free/open-source solution, but I am not against paying a reasonably price.

  • 8 years have passed. What is your tool now?
    – Ooker
    Commented Oct 26, 2023 at 14:24

2 Answers 2


You can use Hootsuite.
You can input images, links, and texts. Also, you can schedule it as well. You can use Likealyzer for analytics.

  • This is actually what I am currently using, after having asked this question 4 years ago.
    – veritaS
    Commented Jul 3, 2019 at 9:15

I think bufferapp.com does what you want. I'm unsure about facebook promotions as that's not something I've used. It has the other features you've listed.

They have a free version, premium versions start at $50/month.

  • bufferapp is ok, it seems to have all the functions for sheduling Posts and I am able to add more social accounts then at hootsuite.com/plans, but I am not able to add FB Business page without getting premium. So I´gues I´ll go with hootsuite.com/plans. I also can purchase several hundret apps there for Addition functionality for 5€.
    – veritaS
    Commented May 29, 2015 at 12:22

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