@AbhishekDutta This is the best that I can find.
It seems to do pretty much what you want, but I leave that for you to decide.
Displays a circular progress meter.
Utilises SVG for rendering.
Adjustable dimensions, color and thickness.
No additional dependencies outside of AngularJS.
size defines the pixel width and height for the svg element. This defaults to 200.
stroke defines the color of the progress arc. This should be a valid stroke property for an SVG path element. This defaults to black.
stroke-width defines the width of the progress arc line in pixels. This should be a value between 1 and size / 2. This defaults to 20.
progress is an expression that should evaluate to a float value between 0.0 and 1.0; where 0.0 is an empty progress arc, and 1.0 is a full ring.
counter-clockwise if this attribute is present and set to a "truthy" value (true, yes, 1) the progress bar will render in a counter-clockwise direction.
As well as using attributes of the directive element, a progress arc can be styled using CSS.
If you use CSS for styling, try to avoid setting a stroke-width property since this is used to calculate the position of the arc inside the SVG element.
[Update] I also found this. See the demo here.