Are there any free online and/or offline alternatives to the step-by-step-solution feature of Wolfram|Alpha Pro?
This feature is able to display step-by-step-solutions of a wide variety of algebra problems, as shown in the example screenshot below.
Are there any free online and/or offline alternatives to the step-by-step-solution feature of Wolfram|Alpha Pro?
This feature is able to display step-by-step-solutions of a wide variety of algebra problems, as shown in the example screenshot below.
Another great alternative is:
It has also got a premium area, but its step-by-step solutions are free.
I know this isn't free, but the Wolfram Alpha mobile phone app has a one-time cost of $2.99 (at least on Android) and offers step-by-step solutions without needing a Pro account.
One good alternative is:
It doesn't show steps for factoring but it does show steps for more complicated things in Calculus like derivatives and integrals.
Another free option is photomath. Not as advanced as WolframAlpha, but may be suitable. It is available for Android.
Another free option is
Open Omnia is an alternative to Wolfram Alpha Pro and Symbolab. Disclaimer: I am the developer.
You can find the web application here: and the android app here:
Feel free to try it out.
Microsoft Mathematics is a great alternative to Mathematica.
Note that I am a user of both Wolfram Mathematica and Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 .
Though the User Interface is a bit outdated, it has a lot of Mathematica-grade features.
Recent versions of Microsoft Edge come with something called Math Solver:
It provides the option to either type in the math problem or select it on the screen.
Math Solver is also accessible if you try searching for a math problem on Bing:
Also through a direct URL:
I tried it and was quite impressed:
I've just found fxSolver... It doesn't seem to show all the workings, but it does provide help and background on the inputs, and allows plotting.