I am looking for a tool that allows me to compare data from two SQL queries on different databases and see the rows that are different. Both databases are on MS SQL server.
I have looked at following tools but none works properly:
- http://www.devart.com/dbforge/sql/datacompare/
- http://www.sqluniform.com/
- http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-data-compare/
- http://razorsql.com/
Only RazorSQL fulfills my requirement to some extent but it gives unnecessary SQL error now and then.
Hence, the tool I am looking for:
- Free or less then $200 per user.
- Compatible with SQL Server 2008 or later databases.
- Must provide simple interface to enter queries for both databases.
- Must provide rows (along with row number) that have differences between the data from two SQL queries.
Note : I am not looking to compare database or tables. I want to compare the data from two SQL queries. Both SQL queries returns data with same column names.