Each person on Facebook has an ID like "92385284" or "100329233247".

How do I get a list containing the IDs of all my friends?

The "Download a copy of your Facebook data" button generates a friends.html files which is nearly that, but it contains the names (like "Robert Smith") instead of the IDs.

(I am using these IDs to associate with my address book.)

2 Answers 2


You can use Friend List Exporter.

It allow you to download:

Download a basic textual list of your friends.

Download a basic textual list of your friends with profile links.

Download an html list of your friends with profile links and profile pictures.

Download a spreadsheet (csv) of your friends with ID numbers, profile links, and profile picture links.

(the last option is useful for your case).

It outputs an spreadsheet like:

id  name  link              picture
1   bob   facebook.com/bob  fbcdn-profil...

You can delete the last 2 columns if necessary.

Note: Excel by default shows numbers like +E10 (or similar), so format the ID column as number with 0 decimal places to show the full number.

  • This app does not work anymore, it only returns empty files.
    – Nicolas Raoul
    Jun 7, 2016 at 14:16
  • @NicolasRaoul :( probably because the api now requires you to have users authorize your app before returning the friends list! sorry :/ Jun 7, 2016 at 15:22

If you get an access token then the facebook api - see here - should let you query me/friends to get a list with the required data but you are likely to have to register for an app.

  • To register an app, Facebook requires me to provide a cellphone email address, but my carrier does not provide that, so I can't register unfortunately.
    – Nicolas Raoul
    Jun 7, 2016 at 14:45

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