At work we currently utilize excel spread sheets as implementation plans (moving a new release code to integration or production). The plan includes this information:
- Title
- Description (task information, what needs to be done)
- Owner (team and individual)
- Date
- Time
- Notes
I am looking for a tool that can manage this content and provide the following additional abilities.
- Update the plan ("Hey I finished my task") via the web, simple browser GUI
- RBAC/Integration with Active Directory
- Dependency links, for example TA123 cannot be executed until TA119 is complete. This should keep the user from marking things complete early, which if nothing else would notify them if they did something early.
- Push notification (Managers tracking dont have to refresh, they can just have a dash board up.
- Copy projects, create a gold copy of a plan and then create copies when executing a certain date/environment.
- Effective API for linking to other web based applications