Over the years I've become a fan of realistic FPS/MilSim games such as ArmA II, ArmA III and the like. The problem is, most of the games I play take place on massive, sprawling maps that aren't very good for CQC combat. The AI is programmed to fight at this range and, most times, will begin shooting at you the second you begin shooting at it.
Lately I've been wanting a tactical/realistic FPS/MilSim game set in a CQC environment. Essentially my criteria are
- Close quarters combat (no enemies at 500 meters firing on me with mortars and a tank)
- Realistic (People should go down in a couple shots, guns should be loud, have weight, etc.)
- Coop (vs. the AI) and Multiplayer (vs. other players) options
- Reasonable critic/metacritic or player reception
- Must run on Windows 7, came out in the last 6-8 years with online multiplayer and still reasonably sized playerbase.
Other criteria that would be nice, but might narrow the scope too much:
- Is on Steam
- Medical system (bandages, med kits, morphine, etc.)
- Avid modding community
- 3D scopes
- 3D VOIP or 3D VOIP mod