I have 30-40 folders with files and folders within:


I want to create an ISO files for each folder like so:


I’m using PowerISO on Windows, but I can’t find this feature.

I’m creating ISO files one by one and the operation is very long.


2 Answers 2


I guess you are basically looking for a way to create an ISO File on command line. Since you have PowerIso, you can use piso, which is PowerISO command line utility located in PowerISO installation directory. 

PowerISO can not only creates ISO image file on Window GUI, but it also can creates ISO file on Windows command line. You can find piso.exe which is PowerISO command line utility in PowerISO installation directory. 

Usage: piso [parameters] [-switches]

create:  Create iso file from files or folders. 

Example: Create d:\test.iso from d:\test and d:\test.zip.

Command: piso create -o d:\test.iso -add d:\test / -add d:\test.zip /

  • -o:  Specify output image file name.
  • -ot : Specify output image file type. If not specified, the image type will be determined by file name suffix.
  • -add : Add local file or directory to image file.
  • -volsize : Split output image file to multiple volumes, and set volume size to . Example: -volsize 100M
  • -setpassword : Set password for output image file.   Example: -setpassword 12345678 
  • -label :  Set volume label for output image file.  Example: -label BACKUP
  • -joliet <1|2|3>:  Set joliet level for output image file.  Example: -joliet 3
  • -udf :  Enable or disable UDF option for output image file.  Example: -udf on
  • -iso-name-len <12|30|221>:  Set iso9660 file name length for output image file.  Example: -iso-name-len 221
  • -joliet-name-len <64|110>:  Set joliet file name length for output image file.  Example: -joliet-name-len 110
  • -allow-lower-case-iso-name:  Allow lower case iso9660 file name for output image file.
  • -disable-optimization:  Disable file space optimization for output image file.
  • -file-datetime :  Set file date time for output image file.  Example: -file-datetime 12-20-2008-08:00:00
  • -vol-creation-datetime :  Set volume creation date time for output image file. 
  • -vol-modification-datetime :  Set volume modification date time for output image file.
  • -vol-effective-datetime :  Set volume effective date time for output image file.
  • -vol-expiration-datetime :  Set volume expiration date time for output image file.
  • -comment:  Set comment for output image file.
  • -comment-from-file :  Load comment from the file.
  • mmm..but commands above is valid only for a single folder. But i have 30-40 folders
    – user332153
    Commented Aug 17, 2014 at 15:05
  • @user332153 You'll need to loop through your directories, e.g. ss64.com/nt/for_d.html Commented Aug 17, 2014 at 15:07
  • for example, inside C:\test i have 30-40 folders that i want convert into ISOs. Which command can u suggest me? for /dis for parent folders present in a directory? because there is also for /d /r but i don't want recurse into subfolders.
    – user332153
    Commented Aug 17, 2014 at 15:33
  • Don't make it more difficult than it is: 'dir > doit.bat' on the command line, then edit doit.bat and run it. No need to build loops in a batch file, unless you do this repeatedly with a varying number of folders.
    – user416
    Commented Aug 17, 2014 at 15:58
  • Command right for ONE folder is piso create -o C:\test\File.iso -add C:\test\File.iso / but for more of 1 folder? I can't use a batch because i must have to extract names folders.
    – user332153
    Commented Aug 17, 2014 at 16:41

here is an untested quick set of commands for windows xp commandline.

instructions to use:

  1. open a command prompt
  2. change to root directory or drive (i.e - directory above folder 1, folder2, folder3 etc)
  3. copy and paste below commands

    set piso="%programfiles%\poweriso\piso.exe"
    for /f "usebackq" %a in (dir /b /ad) do %piso% create -o d:\%a.iso -add d:\%a

please make sure the path in variable %piso% to piso.exe is correct.
if running from a batch script %a needs to become %%a.

edited cos comments arent nicely formatted for readability

hi @user332153 - looks like the below line is fine then:

set piso="%programfiles%\poweriso\piso.exe"

the backticks were removed from dir /b /ad - if the backticks dont show, it is not a quotation mark, it is the key with a tilde ~ on it.

lets see if we can write this all up then:

set piso="%programfiles%\poweriso\piso.exe"
cd a
for /f "usebackq" %a in (`dir /b /ad`) do %piso% create -o d:\%a.iso -add d:\%a

this should create one.iso and two.iso from directories one and two.

  • error imageshack.com/a/img661/3735/d96OR0.png I have piso.exe in C:\Program Files\PowerISO\piso.exewhile i have create a folder called a in C:\ Inside a folder i have 2 folder (one, two) that i want convert into ISO. Can u fix your command, please?
    – user332153
    Commented Aug 20, 2014 at 14:47
  • @user332153 - please see amended answer
    – zen
    Commented Aug 20, 2014 at 23:26
  • i try follow your commands but something is wrong..look this pic, please: imageshack.com/a/img537/6500/tDpk6k.png Seems no give error but it give no action! ISO can't be created, i don't understand why. PS: but why d:\%a.iso if my path is in C and if inside folder a i have more one folder?
    – user332153
    Commented Aug 21, 2014 at 0:58
  • hi - run the commands starting from the c:\ drive root in the command prompt. the cd a command will change to the a directory, the for loop will then loop through directories a and b. %a is a variable for the directory names given as output by the command dir /b /ad, run in C:\a.
    – zen
    Commented Aug 21, 2014 at 1:16
  • Bad parameter: -add imageshack.com/a/img537/579/BeAWSn.png also i had to change piso.exe path because with %programfiles% give me error "path not found". I copy piso.exe into root folder
    – user332153
    Commented Aug 21, 2014 at 10:36

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