here is an untested quick set of commands for windows xp commandline.
instructions to use:
- open a command prompt
- change to root directory or drive (i.e - directory above folder 1, folder2, folder3 etc)
copy and paste below commands
set piso="%programfiles%\poweriso\piso.exe"
for /f "usebackq" %a in (dir /b /ad
) do %piso% create -o d:\%a.iso -add d:\%a
please make sure the path in variable %piso% to piso.exe is correct.
if running from a batch script %a needs to become %%a.
edited cos comments arent nicely formatted for readability
hi @user332153 - looks like the below line is fine then:
set piso="%programfiles%\poweriso\piso.exe"
the backticks were removed from dir /b /ad - if the backticks dont show, it is not a quotation mark, it is the key with a tilde ~ on it.
lets see if we can write this all up then:
set piso="%programfiles%\poweriso\piso.exe"
cd a
for /f "usebackq" %a in (`dir /b /ad`) do %piso% create -o d:\%a.iso -add d:\%a
this should create one.iso and two.iso from directories one and two.