I want to build something, I already have a rough idea of how it's going to look and what kind of materials to get from my local hardware store. Let's call this thing I'm trying to build a "box with extra steps".
Before actually buying anything I'd like to finalise my design by building it some 3D modelling software.
I'm looking for some software that allows me to create "knock-offs" for the parts I have in mind and put them all together in a 3D assembly. Specifically I would like to:
- Create basic parts (for example a square tube with rounded edges 1m×1.6cm×1.6cm, 1mm thick)
- Duplicate said parts without changing the original or linking the duplicates to it
- Cut said parts into pieces, and use all those pieces (let's say from one tube I would cut a 70cm and 25cm part and have 5cm leftover)
- Move all those parts around in a 3D environment to get a better idea of the end product
So far I've tried a few CAD products:
- FreeCAD (Terrible mouse/kb controls)
- OpenSCAD (Can't figure it out at all)
- SolveSpace (Can't seem to find how to put in actual numbers for sizes)
- DesignSpark Mechanical (Can't figure out how to duplicate and cut parts without messing with the original)
The main thing with all these programs is that the tutorials for them only explain the utmost basics. Teaching you nothing more than how to create basic shapes that can be 3D printed. If you want to do more there seems to be no comprehensive tutorial material available.
From what I've seen of Fusion 360 that might actually do what I want, however that is paid software and I'm not ready to heavily invest in a piece of sofware I'm probably not going to use all that often and only for personal projects. (because of the price I haven't even bothered with the trial)