I usually maintain notes with Zim Desktop Wiki. It has a wiki-like GUI (with hyperlinks), and behind the scenes stores text files in a folder. It has it's own markup language.

I'm looking for a similar tool that specifically stores files in Markdown (or CommonMark) format. So it should:

  • have a free/libre/open license
  • be packaged for Debian (or can otherwise be installed on Debian)
  • read and write to Markdown (preferably CommonMark)
  • have an editing GUI
  • when the user clicks on a relative link, open the local file corresponding to that link

It would ideally:

  • support project wikis (as found on GitHub, GitLab, Gogs and Gitea)

It does not have to implement:

  • formatting toolbar
  • convert markup to visual layout (plain text with links is fine)
  • markup language other than Markdown/CommonMark

1 Answer 1


I would suggest taking a look at RedNotebook.

  • Items are stored as plain text, (and archived as zip files).
  • have a free/libre/open license Free, Gratis & Open Source
  • be packaged for Debian (or can otherwise be installed on Debian) Cross Platform including Linux
  • read and write to Markdown (preferably CommonMark) Uses a variant of markdown
  • have an editing GUI Yes & a display one
  • when the user clicks on a relative link, open the local file corresponding to that link Opens both local files & URLs with the default association
  • Spell Checking
  • Embed Pictures
  • Multiple Languages
  • Export to a number of formats.

Screenshot Editing Mode (Win 10) enter image description here

Screenshot Display Mode (Win 10) enter image description here

  • it looks like this uses txt2tags for markup, I'll test it against some markdown files
    – lofidevops
    Commented Jan 25, 2018 at 13:13

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