I am aware that go language has an excellent support for collecting metric data. We can visualize the data in any manner we want using handy tools like go-metrics and influxDB.

I have a CPP application (similar to bitcoin) and looking for an easy way to collect some metrics. Can any CPP developer recommend anything you are aware of?

I am looking for something available for free (opensource or available for free trials). My operating system is Linux. I will be collecting all the packet latency in the network (Example PING-PONG time between two nodes over a socket) along with outbound/inbound data traffic

  • Thank you for your comment. Updated the question with more specific details
    – visweshn92
    Apr 11, 2016 at 5:33
  • Thanks for the update! So do I understand correctly you either need a stand-alone Linux application or a c++ library to include with your application?
    – Izzy
    Apr 11, 2016 at 6:07
  • Yes I need a cpp library which must be similar to what go-metric/influxDB provides in go.
    – visweshn92
    Apr 11, 2016 at 6:31
  • Imagine people might not know go-metric/influxDB. Does your question include sufficient details then? Don't blame answerers if they do not offer details you haven't asked for then ;) Again, see: How to ask for an alternative to some software and cross-check. I won't annoy you any further now, everything else is up to you :) Good luck!
    – Izzy
    Apr 11, 2016 at 6:36


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