I sometime wants to copy paste a list to a StackExchange question or answer:

Connect to the remote computer with IP address and password.
Once connected, press function key F8 and click "Options"
Click "Load / Save"
Click "Save As"
Choose a name which suits you and click "Save"
At the VNC Viewer : Warning about storing the password, click "Yes".

and I need to add the - at the beginning of each item of the list:

- Connect to the remote computer with IP address and password.
- Once connected, press function key F8 and click "Options"
- Click "Load / Save"
- Click "Save As"
- Choose a name which suits you and click "Save"
- At the VNC Viewer : Warning about storing the password, click "Yes".

I'm looking for a browser extension or userscript to add an icon or shortcut to do this at once.


1 Answer 1



Source code: https://gist.github.com/ComFreek/9879093
Disclaimer: I am the author, however, I've created the script specifically for this question.



  • Chrome 33
  • Firefox 27

StackExchange sites:

  • *://stackoverflow.com/*
  • *://meta.stackoverflow.com/*
  • *://pt.stackoverflow.com/*
  • *://serverfault.com/*
  • *://superuser.com/*
  • *://askubuntu.com/*
  • *://stackapps.com/*
  • *://mathoverflow.net/*
  • *://discuss.area51.stackexchange.com/*
  • *://*.stackexchange.com/*

Note: the extension will not appear in the 'improvement' mode when reviewing suggested edits. This is due to the AJAX loading of the editor. Support may be added if requested.



How to install (Chrome)

  1. Download the userscript
  2. Open the extension page in Chrome
  3. Drag the file onto the page
  4. Confirm the installation
  5. Ready

How to install (Firefox)

  1. Download & install the Greasemonkey extension
  2. Download the userscript
  3. Drag it onto any Firefox window
  • Awesome, works great. I use // @match http://stackoverflow.com/* // @match http://*.stackexchange.com/* to support all SE websites (FYI match vs include). Commented Mar 30, 2014 at 21:16
  • 1
    @FranckDernoncourt: Sadly that doesn't support all SE websites. There are odd ones like SuperUser, ServerFault, StackApps, and then there's the very odd Area51. I've probably missed some. Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 6:17
  • 1
    @FranckDernoncourt Thank you for the suggestion! Please see the update. I've fixed some serious bugs, improved the support for more sites and removed the jQuery dependency.
    – ComFreek
    Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 13:20

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