I am looking for a software for Android and/or Linux to annotate EPUB files.
It should have the capability to export the annotations. Preferably in XML or other easily parsable format.
I think it is not possible using only 1 software, but maybe you can do that this way:
Install Lucidor
wget "http://lucidor.org/get.php?id=lucidor_0.9.15-1_all.deb" -O lucidor09.deb
sudo apt install ./lucidor09.deb
Make annotations in Lucidor (for a guide, look here)
and locate the file's annotations.sqlite
Now, you have to install R and a pair of packages
install.packages("RSQLite") # same for XML
Export annotations as xml Ref 1, Ref 2
sqlite <- dbDriver("SQLite")
# replace with correct PATH:
db <- dbConnect(sqlite,"/home/USERNAME/.ordbrand/lucidor/b2e53o8w.default/lucifox/annotations.sqlite")
dfannotAnnot<-as.data.frame(dbReadTable(db,"annotations") )
dfannotTarg<-as.data.frame(dbReadTable(db,"targets") )
xml <- xmlTree()
xml$addTag("document", close=FALSE)
for (i in 1:nrow(dataframe)) {
xml$addTag("row", close=FALSE)
for (j in names(dataframe)) {
xml$addTag(j, dataframe[i, j])
#save to file
cat(saveXML(xml), file="Annotations.xml")