I work for a large organization that is not in the IT industry. As such, we have a lot of users that aren't very computer savvy. They know enough about computers to do their jobs, but not much more.
We've been hit with ransomware several times over the last 6 months. Luckily while we've lost some data we haven't lost anything critical and what we have lost has been able to be recreated.
What we'd like to do is to back up key computers (especially executive staff) remotely. I'm looking for commercial software that does the following:
- Works with Windows 7, XP, Server 2010.
- Allows the ability to store backups on our servers (Organization policy forbids us from storing certain types of data on "the cloud")
- Does not require the computer being backed up to be mapped to a drive (the ransomware also encrypts files on mapped drives).
- As it's being done remotely, does not slow the user down. Also as it's being done remotely, can connect to the computer after it's been shut down and restarted.
- Can be scheduled to be run during a specified timeframe.
Anybody have any suggestions?