Some programs (like Chromium) does not like username and password in http_proxy environment variable.

For this, it could be useful to use intermediate proxy server, which "converts" authenticated proxy to localhost-only unauthenticated one.

Workaround in form of proxychains 3proxy fails to work.

1 Answer 1


I'm using Privoxy for this goal : you can add http auth header on each query, then use https://www.privoxy.org/user-manual/config.html#FORWARD to forward requests to the other proxy.

Then configure Chromium to use local privoxy instance.

For example, I suppose you have the following setup :

http_proxy=http://user:[email protected]:8080

Then, you can setup Privoxy to forward everything to your proxy :

forward / your.proxy.your.domain:8080

And add a custom filter in user.action file, to add http authentication header on each proxied request :

  proxy-auth = +add-header{Proxy-Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXX}

{ proxy-auth }  

XXXXXX = login:password string base64 encoded

Finally, change http_proxy variable to use privoxy (without login/password, because they're added via filter) :

  • Privoxy itself does not support proxy authentication, but can allow clients to authenticate against Privoxy's parent proxy. -> So how can Privoxy workaround non-support of authentication from http_proxy variable in Chromium?
    – Vi.
    Commented Jun 30, 2016 at 22:25

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