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I am volunteering for the privilege to be elected as your new moderator.

What's in it for you?

I bring with me a commitment to the success of this StackExchange community. My goal is to keep this site healthy, friendly, and useful.

What's in it for me?

I look forward to working with the other moderators to maintain the quality, consistency, openness, and value of this community.

What are my involvements with this community?

I log in almost every day, sometimes several times a day. I am the #1 reviewer on this site, and have been for quite some time. In that role, I have reviewed thousands of questions and answers. I have also edited over 500 questions, and when appropriate, have successfully flagged hundreds as well. I have also asked or answered over 150 questions here.

Why this StackExchange community?

This StackExchange site has been fortunate enough to be a community comprised of some of StackExchange's nicest and most generous users.