I have a decent understanding of python, however in order to advance I definitely need to learn.

I have tried to use wikis, youtube, etc and coding whilst reading/watching, but for me it just doesn't stick.

I then thought "I'll just do what I can and ask the community for help." (hoping to give back in future) but again, not a great experience.

Despite accurately conveying what my problem is, what I've tried, and what I need to fix, the forums I have used (particularly the python community on stackoverflow) have consistently landed so far from my question that several times I have rewritten my post to redirect the reader to the actual issue I have as opposed to "don't do it like that, use this module". The "that" they refer to is pretty much the entirety of python I know, and "this module" tends to be something that almost seems designed to scare off beginners.

Is there a forum where if I ask a question it will be answered? Is there (ideally free, but I can pay a little) software for PC or mobile that aids in learning more than just the basic python functionality?

1 Answer 1


Did you try Udemy? For decades I have taught myself only from books. Recently I tried my first ever video course (for Flutter/Dart) and was extremely impressed. If they are all like that, I will never read another book again.

That one taught me to build a few apps, which gave me a few ideas. Udemy has over 10,000 Python courses - surely one can help?

Whatever you do, get a decent IDE - and there is none better than PyCharm. The community edition is free, even for commercial use, and that's what I use at work.

Perhaps you need a hobby project? For less than $20 you can get some good hardware to play with. Perhaps a real work app, like reading sensors or controlling something, would spur you on?

I like to play with the BCC Micro:bit, which is simple enough, or the ESP32 - M5Stack is a great system for hardware newbies, and AdaFruit have lots of good hardware for Python](https://learn.adafruit.com/welcome-to-circuitpython/what-is-circuitpython). Plus, of course, there is the Raspberry Pi (I prefer the Pi Zero W).

Look at Hackster for ideas for projects.

Does that help any?

  • 1
    I had never heard of udemy till now, gave it a look and my god! I look at that site and I see me getting a job in the development sector very soon. Thank you very much!
    – WCJ277
    Aug 2, 2020 at 17:15
  • Wah ! I don't think that I ever made so much influence on anyone before. I sincerely wish you the best. Whatever you do, use PyCharm - I do professionally. Udemy is dirt cheap, and you can have a lot of fun with ESP32, BBC micro:bit, etc. Feel free ro ask further questions (even though they will be off-topic ;-)
    – Mawg
    Aug 3, 2020 at 20:27

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