I have to implement a diagram tool in a web browser. To do that implementation which is the best JS library?

I found these three:

  • kineticjs
  • jointjs
  • Raphaël

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each one for the implementation of a tool to draw diagrams?


1 Answer 1


GoJS is a general purpose JavaScript diagramming library

There's loads of built-in interactivity that make it easy for users to create and modify their own diagrams. See a flowchart example here, or lots of other diagram types here.

  • Built in, users can drag and drop nodes from palettes, draw new links, rearrange/resize nodes, reshape links.
  • Templates for Nodes, Links, and Groups, can be arbitrarily complex and include custom shapes/geometries
  • Support for user-created links with arbitrary link validation
  • With links, Orthogonal and Bezier link routing with "Avoids Nodes" and "Jump Over" options
  • Data binding with JSON data
  • Intuitive Drag-and-Drop & Copy-Paste functionality
  • Unlimited extensible Undo and Redo
  • Mouse and touch support with customizable tools
  • Automatic layout of graphs
  • Palettes and Overviews

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