My requirements are unusual and hence hoping for solutions here
I listen to a lot of . amr
talks which are typically 3 hours duration with a file size of around 20 Mb
I want to edit portions (i.e, cut, copy and save ) for memorising. These segments are unpredictable in occurrence, hence, would prefer be able to edit on-the-fly (without nothing down the start and end timings). In the worst case, am OK with noting down the timings and editing but the bigger problem is below
There are tons of apps that can do this but all of them fail, since they cannot handle such large duration files being more in line with ring tone makers from a small track. They fail in either loading or editing or inconsistent performance. Listing them is pointless since I have tried practically all the top reviewed ones over last 5 years
Doing it on a lap top is easy but is not an option. . amr
format is ideal for sharing and storage so that is also a fixed parameter for input but since the recorded snippets would be short, recording in other formats is fine (Edited, since there don't seem to be strictly amr options)
Cost is not a constraint but if I need to pay would also like to be able to reduce noise, selectively Amplify, like one can do in desktop using audacity
software. Few paid apps offer such features but don't accept . amr
input. (Recording is non-professional and the venue far from ideal)
I searched alternate sources like Aptoide F-Droid without success ( admittedly, not a deep search)
I may have well missed an app that can do this and hoping one of you can point that out